寄件者: Darren Chen
寄件日期: 2012/7/30 (週一) 10:07 AM
主旨: A question about MAL's of T-2 toxins on pets
寄件日期: 2012/7/30 (週一) 10:07 AM
主旨: A question about MAL's of T-2 toxins on pets
To whom it may concern,
I am Jyh-Cherng Chen from Taiwan. My job is about animal and pet feed management under governmental adminisration. Recently, some pet owners are concerned about mycotoxin contamination in pet feed and find this valuable article-CODE OF PRACTICE FOR THE CONTROL OF MYCOTOXINS IN THE PRODUCTION OF ANIMAL FEED FOR LIVESTOCK on AFMA Website. It is impressive to learn "Table 3: Guideline to Maximum Acceptable Levels for Mycotoxins in Animal Feeds" of this article but the MAL's of T-2 toxin on dogs and cats are not shown. Does it mean they are still undetermined or not to be detected? As pet lovers and carers, they are keen to learn the the MAL's of mycotoxins especially T-2 toxin because some reports say it's more toxic than aflatoxins. I'm wondering if this part of information is available from AFMA or you have further explanations. Hope you can help us with this question, thank you very much.
I am Jyh-Cherng Chen from Taiwan. My job is about animal and pet feed management under governmental adminisration. Recently, some pet owners are concerned about mycotoxin contamination in pet feed and find this valuable article-CODE OF PRACTICE FOR THE CONTROL OF MYCOTOXINS IN THE PRODUCTION OF ANIMAL FEED FOR LIVESTOCK on AFMA Website. It is impressive to learn "Table 3: Guideline to Maximum Acceptable Levels for Mycotoxins in Animal Feeds" of this article but the MAL's of T-2 toxin on dogs and cats are not shown. Does it mean they are still undetermined or not to be detected? As pet lovers and carers, they are keen to learn the the MAL's of mycotoxins especially T-2 toxin because some reports say it's more toxic than aflatoxins. I'm wondering if this part of information is available from AFMA or you have further explanations. Hope you can help us with this question, thank you very much.
Best regards,
Jyh-Cherng Chen